We’ve created this page to help you get started. There is quite a bit of information contained here, so take your time. If you have any questions at all, please do not hestitate to contact us and we would be happy to assist you.
We have a wide variety of surface types and materials in our warehouse (pictured below) for you to choose from to create your dream space. Our skilled team will be happy to walk you through the design process and help to assess your needs.
We take time and effort to get to know you and the needs of your space, and the steps listed below detail that process. Our experienced team is here to help you through every step of the way, and can’t wait to work with you to design and build your perfect space.
Thank you so much for considering Mountaintop Stoneworks, Inc. for your project. One of the things we love about what we do is the beauty we get to bring from the outdoors in to your space.
This page is more about helping you understand the components that go into making that happen, and hopefully leave you with a better sense of what to expect.
There is a lot of information on this page, so take your time.
Use the tabs below to walk through the various aspects of your project. We’ve included our contact form on this page at the bottom, just in case you have some questions.
Thanks again and we look forward to working with you.
The Mountaintop Team.
There are quite a few things to consider when it comes to taking on a project like this one. Here are a few to consider when it comes picking the right type of surface.
What would you like to turn into stone?
Every space has multiple elements. People often think that stone is for counters and floors. We do not disagree. But just about any flat surface, and some curved ones, can have stone as its presentation.
Counters, Fireplace Surrounds, Walls, Walkways, Indoor, Outdoor. Stone can be used in many applications, which are limited only by the imagination.
We’ve put stone in some pretty interesting places, so don’t limit yourself to the traditional. Contact us to see if we can meet the challenge of your project.
What type of Surface?
There are three main categories of stone surface types we typically work with. Granite, Marble, and Quartz.
In addition to these main categories, there are other specialized stone surfaces we can acquire and incorporate into your project.
For additional detail on these and other surface types, head over to our Surface Types page.
What is the design of your space?
One of the key things that drives the best materials for any project, is the overall design or look you’re going for. The various surface types lend themselves to different themes, colors, and feel of the overall design.
As part of the project, we will make sure the surface type fits the feeling you’re looking to accomplish. Try to give some thought to this aspect.
Marble can have a very luxurious and classic feel to it. Granite can range from modern, to eclectic, to traditional. Quartz and other engineered surfaces can provide a very structured feel. These are just a few of the aspects to consider.
Most projects are driven by the shape of the space. But perhaps you may want to think about incorporating something unique into the shape of your design. You can follow the footprint of your space, or you can lead the way to a unique design, the choice is yours.
Adding depth through multiple levels, or creating a unique edge shape the accentuates something in the environment. These are a couple of ways to put your own unique stamp on your project.
Often times, there will be elements, such as a sink, protrusion, or other “thing” in the environment that will require a cutout in the middle of the stone, or along the edge.
Make note of these as you’re envisioning your project. And consider some of the following things:
- Do you want that feature to sit above (over mount) or below (under mount) the stone?
- For things like faucets and dispensers, make sure you are making note of the size of those elements.
- Cutouts are pretty cool, but they also require special consideration. Make sure you let us know if you’re thinking about this feature.
Of course color is one of the most important characteristics, along with texture, when considering your stone.
Selecting the type of stone material and then choosing among the huge variety of colors in one of the most enjoyable difficult decisions you can make.
A few rules of thumb:
- Contrast can be a very powerful statement, particularly when it comes to showcasing your new surface.
- Try to think about color families. While contrast is good, there are complimentary colors that work well together.
- Try to think about how the surface will be used. For example, dark shows everything Light hides most things. This can be an important element depending on how the space will be used.
Adjacent Surfaces
The surface adjacent to the main surface of your project is often something people don’t consider beforehand.
For example, in a countertop project, we include include a standard backsplash, which is a height of 4” for kitchen and 3” for bathrooms. Some custom backsplashes require special cuts or full splash that stands between the upper cabinets and the countertops.
Counters aren’t the only type of project that can benefit from the adjacent surface complimenting your project with additional stone features.
Included at no additional cost to your project are the following standard edge profiles.

There are additional edge options available that can compliment your project. Our team of expert designers can work with you to create the perfect profile for your space.
We want to make your decision as painless as possible. If you are interested in getting a rough estimate, having a sketch of your project is essential. We are happy to come and measure, however, if you want to get a rough idea of the project scope and price, give your own sketch a try.
Using the following tips will help you draw your design. We use a countertop example, but the principles apply to almost any project.
- Measure length & width in inches to the nearest 1/2”. Remember to include any overhangs.
- Indicate wall locations.
- Indicate which walls will have stone backsplash. (Note wether it will be 4” or custom.)
- Label and indicate placement of sink(s).*
- Indicate location of range and/or cooktop.*
- Label islands, desks, or other areas where you would like stone.
- Indicate special radius/clipped corners you may want on your countertop.
- Indicate locations and sizes of extended overhang for all countertops. You do not need to indicate standard overhangs. (Standard is 11/2”.)*
These drawings help provide us a rough estimate of your project. This helps you get an idea of budget and overall scope. For all projects we do a field measure to validate the estimate and ensure the most accurate proposal for you to consider.
*These locations will be confirmed at the field measure. Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions concerning your custom countertops.
Use the contact form below and provide your information.
If you’ve downloaded the drawing template, you can either
- Scan it and upload it to the contact form; OR
- Scan it and email it back to us at info@mountaintopstone.com; OR
- Come on in, we would love to meet you; OR
- You can also fax it back to the number on the sheet.